

Reiki is a form of energy healing. The word Reiki is Japanese and is a combination of two words – “rei” which means universal and “ki” which means vital life force. Reiki is gentle, powerful and nurturing. Its origins have been traced back to Tibet but Reiki was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui on Mount Kurama in Japan. Please read through the Q and A section to find out more about what a reiki session involves.

Reiki at my house £35.

Reiki at your house in Chichester £35.

Up to 5 miles from Chichester £5 extra.

Up to 10 miles from Chichester £10 extra.

Reiki with Flowers

This is a combination of Reiki with Flower Essences and includes both reiki healing and flower essences in one of three forms – as pillules, or in an oil or cream with one or more essential oils. By combining the reiki and flower essences the healing is enhanced both during the session with the energy of the flower essences and aroma of the essential oils and afterwards when the flower essences both support and continue the healing in the days and weeks to come. The aroma of the essential oils can also take you back to the wonderful feeling of relaxation experienced during the reiki. We also discuss the meanings of the flower essences and discover which words resonate with the client.

Reiki with Flowers £50.

Distance Reiki

Distance Healing is a technique whereby you do not have to be physically present to receive healing.  The intention to heal is sent by the healer and received by the client in an instant transmission.  The healer can then in real time access information about the client and transmit healing.  This is explained by Quantum physics, it is called the entanglement theory, when two particles of energy come into contact with each other they can then share information or mirror each other even if separated by time and space.

Albert Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance.”

The cost of the distant healing and feedback is £30. Four weekly sessions £100. Before the first distant reiki, we have a chat to connect and go through a short consultation. 


Phytobiophysics uses the infinite energy of plants to harmonise the energy field of the body on all levels of consciousness: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

Every cell in the body vibrates on a frequency which is ordered and in harmony with the whole. I use a galvanometer to measure disturbances with the flow of energy and discover the phytobiophysics energy harmonisers needed to bring you to homeostasis/balance.

You will be given one or more bottles of energy harmonisers in pilule form to take with you after the treatment.

I decided to learn Phytobiophysics when it had an enormous affect on my son Charlie’s health. Firstly it cleared up his eczema, then his immune system was improved so he no longer caught every virus he cane into contact with, then finally he started sleeping regularly for the first time at the age of 7 which was AMAZING. The affect was life changing for my family.

Phytobiophysics one hour consultation £55 including one bottle of energy harmonisers. Second bottle £5.

Flower formulas £12. Super Fit formulas £23.45. These extra formulas are optional and not always needed.

Phytobiophysics Soul Heart Lock

There are four soul constitutions in Phytobiophysics, named after the valves of the heart – Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Mitral and Aortic. During this consultation we will discover which constitution you are and energy harmonisers to clear any energy blocks you have stopping you from being your true self.

We will discuss the qualities of your soul constitution and the key words of your constitution.

Phytobiophysics Soul Heart Lock one hour consultation £55 including your bottle with soul heart lock formula and associated energy harmonisers.

Flower Formulas £12. Super fit Formulas £23.45. As above, these extra formulas are optional and not always needed.


A transformational healer and wise councillor. My sessions with Caroline have helped me to gently release painful issues from the past. Caroline combines joy and optimism with grounded reality in her practice.



I felt it opened my heart and I was able to talk about things that had just been difficult for so long. Felt grounded and peaceful and had an amazing response from it.


West Sussex

Caroline has a very calming influence and is extremely insightful. I have found her support during a difficult time struggling to conceive to be invaluable and Caroline has helped me feel more positive.


East Sussex